A day of rejoicing

From Najeeb and Elisabeth Atteih, Immanuel Church & Bookshop Haifa

Two weeks ago, we had the joy of baptising seventeen people in the Jordan River. Of these, seven were from our new congregation in Nazareth, six from Haifa, two from Jaffa and two American tourists!

Two had a background of Christianity, but did not understand much. We visited them at home after they began to come to the congregation in Nazareth and came to faith. They love the congregation and said that God had spoken to them though what they heard there. They are full of joy and faith.

One brother testified that he could not understand why we were so friendly to Jews, but finally had to acknowledge the change in the lives of his wife, sister, and brother and sister in law, as well as the change in the lives of his three eldest children. His sister understood the faith very slowly, but finally decided to join the family of God.

Najeeb’s mother just cried, remembering Najeeb’s former life in the Mafia!

Actually, when she gave birth to Najeeb, she said, “I will give this son to the Lord” Many years passed, and the Lord took her at her word. Now she was baptised, and this time, Najeeb cried!

The children of the man who led Najeeb to faith so many years ago were also baptised. The father went through a difficult time, and finally, nine months ago, Najeeb was able to help him through this and he joined the congregation. As a result of all these wonderful changes, the boys wanted to be baptised and the father took part in the baptism of his two sons.

Rev. Najeeb and Elisabeth Atteih; Immanuel Church & Bookshop, more information: imanuel_@netvision.net.il  Phone: 972-4-8535390

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